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  Pinger plugin - configuration of background activity

View also:
    Pinger plugin - overview.
    Pinger plugin - adding new / editing existing task.

This plugin can ping hosts in background and take some actions when its status changes. This menu allows you to enable / disable this background activity, and set tasks for it.

1  - Click to define a new task to do in background. For a full description of this dialog - click HERE.
2 - Click here to edit any task selected in box no. 6. For a full description of this dialog - click HERE.
3 - Delete any task selected in box no. 6.
4 - Allows you to enable / disable background activity of this plugin. Please note that if you want to temporarily disable all background activity of Tray Helper, you can use the proper option from the tray menu of this application.
5 - Please note - this "radar" is an animated image when background activity is enabled, but a static image when background activity is disabled.
6 - Displays the list of all your background tasks with some details. Note: Double clicking on any task allows you to edit the task as with button no. 2.